Shuffle one deck of standard playing cards.
Deal 26 cards face down to each of two players–this is each player’s deck. If at any time during the game a player’s deck reaches 0 cards, shuffle the discards–this becomes the player’s new deck.
Decide on total money each player will have to wager in the game (must be the same total for each player). This total will be represented by an equal number of coins (of any denomination) held by each player.
Flip a coin to see who goes first.
The game ends whenever a player’s total coins reaches 0 at the end of a round.

Round of Play:
1) Each player draws and looks at the top card from their deck.
2) Each player predicts whether their drawn card will be higher or lower than their opponent’s.
3) Each player hides a coin either heads-up (for a higher card prediction) or tails-up (for a lower card prediction) below their face-down card.
4) The player whose turn it is begins wagering on whether their prediction is correct. Options include
a) check (no bet) or
b) raise (place any number of additional coins into the betting “pot”, a pile next to the two cards).
5) The next player may
a) In response to a check (or call):
i) check (ends wagering)
ii) raise (add a total number of coins greater than the last raise)
b) In response to a raise:
i) call (add coins matching the raise; ends wagering) or
ii) raise (add a total number of coins greater than the last raise).
6) If wagering has not ended, repeat step 5 player by player until wagering has ended.
7) Reveal the two cards and the two prediction coins.
8) Determine outcome (prediction coins are counted as part of the pot):
a) If both prediction coins are correct predictions, split the pot evenly and return to each player. Skip to step 10.
b) If only one prediction coin is correct, give the entire pot to the player with the correct prediction. Skip to step 10.
c) If neither prediction coin is correct, the entire pot rolls over and becomes the initial pot of the next round. Skip to step 10.
d) If the two cards tie: WAR!
9) WAR rules:
a) Each player draws and looks at two cards from the top of their deck.
b) Each player places a prediction coin under each of their face-down cards, placed to the side of the face-up tie cards.
c) Play steps 4-8 for the first of the two WAR cards.
i) If another WAR is triggered, play through that second WAR before moving on to the next WAR card.
d) Play steps 4-8 for the second of the two WAR cards.
10) Return to step 1, switching the player who starts the wagering in step 4.